Are you faced with the need to re-roof? Many Pasadena homeowners are finding the costs to re-roof their home to be quite a bit more than they hoped it would be. So, when looking for a way to cut costs, they may find it’s cheaper to skip hiring a licensed and insured roofer.
Often Pasadena roofing material is made from petroleum. That seems to increase in price with every passing year. Labor cost is driven by an ever-shrinking work force (there are few technical colleges, if any, that teach roofing).
Because of this, many homeowners who are staggered by the costs are then tempted to hire an inexpensive roofer who may not exactly be legal. While an uninsured or unlicensed Pasadena roofer can be cheaper, there are more reasons than meet the eye to think twice before you do.
What is a contractor’s license? Yes, he has passed tests to prove he knows roofing, but also must be bonded. Also, he has to have done a good enough job that people are not filing complaints against him with the CSLB.
Roofing can be a fairly destructive activity and is a major change to your home, removing the earlier roofing and so forth. If things do go wrong with an unlicensed roofer, you have little recourse.
J and J Pasadena Roofing is both a licensed and insured roofer. Why?
Roofers have two kinds of insurance. Workers compensation (workcomp), for labor injuries, and general liability, for everything else.
Workcomp is the most important. If one of his guys falls off your roof, you don’t want the bill for it. General liability isn’t a must (it’s not legally required). But, if your home is worth money or it’s a commercial property it is probably something you will want and it comes with a price. A roofer with full coverage general liability (like we have) will cost more. Ask before you hire your Pasadena roofer.